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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Forgotten Authors Volume 5

More essays about long-forgotten authors whose work once entertained millions.

This new volume of Forgotten Authors follows in the footsteps of the previous series—the four volumes that made up fifty essays on long-forgotten or dimly-remembered writers—with eleven articles the writing careers of highwaymen biographer Alexander Smith in the early 18th century, to 20th century lama and mystic, T. Lobsang Rampa.

Available as both a Kindle e-book and a print volume via Amazon:

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Before the Newgate Calendar
Today’s tabloids, with their daily diet of sensational and tawdry tales, are nothing new. Chapbooks and pamphlets, complete with grisly woodcuts, were common in the eighteenth century, when highwaymen still roamed the heaths and pirates ruled the waves. Two of the most influential books gathering the biographies of notorious criminals appeared in 1714 and 1726, and arguments over their authorship have raged for 300 years.

James Skipp Borlase
Accused of plagiarism in Australia, the former lawyer returned to England and a career as a penny-a-liner until he became one of the most successful writers of feuilletons.

John G. Brandon
Nowadays known only for his contributions to the Sexton Blake saga, Brandon was once a successful playwright and theatre actor, whose play The Silent House was a huge success on stage, screen and sold a quarter of a million copies in book form.

Alfred Duggan
A writer of historical novels who could count Bernard Cornwall and George R. R. Martin amongst his fans... but whose troubled personal and family background almost destroyed him before he turned to writing in his forties.

T. Lobsang Rampa
Few stories can be more bizarre than that of Cyril Hoskin, who claimed that his body was taken over by a lama from Tibet. The story was told through a series of best-selling books, beginning with The Third Eye, much to the disappointment of Tibetan scholars.

Donald Cresswell
Actor and novelist Donald Cresswell had once spent time in prison and on the run from the police when he broke out of Dartmoor… and then he went missing one night while taking a walk along the cliff tops around his Cornwall home…

Judith M. Berrisford
The creator of pony-mad Jackie filled her books with horses, dogs and cats and was inspired to write her first novel after watching a neighbour’s sheep dog.

Bryan Haven
Australian who fought in Korea before turning to journalism and fiction, penning a number of historically accurate western and spy novels, although success always seemed to elude him.

Michael Butterworth
From unsuccessful weighing machine salesman to hugely successful editor of teenage girls’ and women’s magazines, Butterworth turned his back on Fleet Street, retreated to a mansion in Sussex, and wrote psychological thrillers, blackly comic novels and gothic romances under pen-names.

H. J. Campbell
After training as a chemist and assisting in various hospitals and institutions, Campbell turned his writing sideline into a full-time job and wrote 23 novels in four years before returning to science.

Anthony Dyllington
Who was the mysterious Dyllington, author of The Unseen Thing, and what was his connection with the manor house at Knighton Gorges on the Isle of Wight.

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